Years ago, like most college students, I lived by myself in a cabin at the edge of a big woods.

Let’s try again.

Years ago, like most college students, I spent my summers walking along fencerows picking elderberries for homemade jam.


Maybe that’s why none of the sororities were falling over themselves to get me to rush.

Not very involved in campus life.  Too busy with the foraging and the canning.

I tried to set up a little club with some red squirrels and owls, but they told me (politely) I was too nerdy for them.

I decided to plant my own elderberries this year, in the garden.  While they aren’t eaten fresh (tummyache), when cooked they have a distinct, vaguely pomegranate-like flavor, and make wonderful jelly.

I have two varieties for pollination, Samdal and Samyl, and the bare-root plants have sprouted well.

I’ll post updates as the season goes on, including whether or not I have any luck getting the fruit before the birds get the rush on me.

top photo Nourse Farms