These are Three Root Grex beets.  I’ve never grown beets that seemed so happy to be alive.  The tops are lush and thick and giant and sweet.

Since this variety is a cross of three different heirloom types of beets, some roots are red, some yellow, and some orange.  So it’s fun to pull them, you never know what you’re going to get, and it makes a beautiful, multicolored side dish.

Here’s a red one:


Now here’s where being a blogger makes me look a little less crazy, because it’s so gorgeous I would have taken this next picture even if I wasn’t a blogger.

And that would be nuts.

“Uh . . .  hon?  Why’re you taking pictures of a pan of beets?”

“Um . . . ”

And this next:

See, so pretty.

These four beets yielded THREE POUNDS of delicious beet greens.

Yes, I weighed them.

Being a blogger makes that, too, not crazy.

Note:  Thanks to Birds & Blooms Blog for making us their Blog of the Week!  You can check out our feature here.