
After years of DIY, I have to admit, that when it comes to laundry, I’m only half committed to DIY.  Once every six months I mix up a TON of powder and use it until it’s gone.  But until I get in the mood to make it again, I pick up the Tandil while I’m at Aldi. However, I NEVER use store-bought softener.  Vinegar in the rinse works well for softening, static removal, and reducing skin irritation caused by the residual basic pH of whatever soap I use.  There’s just no point for me.

And after years of experimenting with many different stain solutions, I find it’s just more convenient to use this stuff:
It takes care of everything but ink. It’s the only oily stain remover on the market that’s an enzyme, not a petrochemical. You can DISSOLVE a fat in a waterless, stinky, petrochemical, or you can eat it up with an enzyme.  Because this stuff has LIPASE (read: fat eating enzyme), it can just EAT the fat along with the protein and whatever else is on there.  No need to go through *levels* of stain removal. This is the catch-all and there’s nothing else out there that can get fat stains without the fumes. The one exception is ink.

That requires alcohol. I just keep a bottle around. Shoot the baby when she tattoos her entire body with ballpoint pen. Shoot the couch when she runs out of skin. Shoot the clothes if she decides not to remove her shirt prior to afore mentioned tattooing.

I also still use peroxide instead of oxyclean. I never get to the dollar store anymore for the powder. And making your own liquid is ridiculous; it neutralizes before you can use it twice. There’s a reason it only comes in powder from the store. For the very few whites I allow in my home, I use hot water, peroxide, and an extra shake of washing soda for good luck.  As soon as oxyclean hits the water, it turns into peroxide and washing soda anyway, so why drive to the store just to get the name brand?  No thanks.

So there you go.  Honesty.