
We’re getting our gardens ready for spring, step by step.

We declared our intention.

Then we got out our paper and pencils and even cameras and made a master list and took Before pics of our most pressing garden problem spots.

Taking photos is optional, but I’m digging it because as I work on a particular item on my list I have this image in my mind’s eye of how much better the after shot is going to look and it makes my tail wag. I can’t wait to see the before and after side by side.

The next step in the process is to carve out time to get this done.

I know many things stand in the way.

  • Full time outside-the-home jobs
  • Full time at-home jobs
  • Home and family responsibilities
  • Weather
  • Babies
  • Pets
  • Health issues
  • Expense issues
  • Decision-making
  • Inertia
  • Netflix

Or course no shape-up plan can overcome every difficulty. What I’d like to help you do here is work at your own pace, within your particular restrictions, to make steady, real progress toward your own goals.

Some of the goals on your list you may not be able to do right away because of one or more of the reasons above. But once you’ve identified the tasks, you can start formulating a plan to get them done. That plan may involve:

  • Carving out the time to do it yourself, one step at a time.
  • Asking someone to help you do it. Kids, friends, neighbors and spouses are useful here.
  • Bartering. (i.e.: “I’ll bake you a pie if you weed my raised bed.”)
  • Hiring it out.
  • Applying for assistance from a local volunteer program. Inquire at local churches and senior aid programs and search the internet for “home repair volunteer programs in (your city).”

Once you’ve determined what combination of the above it will take to get your ShapeUp done, it’s time to go back to the master list.

  1. After each item, write down how you are going to make it happen. On my list, all the tasks will be done by me, so I don’t need to do this step.
  2. Next, write down approximately how long each job will take. A rough estimate will do.
  3. Finally, take a calendar and pencil in dates and times to work on the first three jobs. Try to carve out at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. If someone else will be involved, as you make those arrangements, write the applicable dates and times next to the task.
  4. As the three jobs get done, do the same for the next three, and so on, until you’ve wiped out the whole list.

Next we’ll work on our incentive program to help keep us motivated.

Let me know how you’re getting along and let us all know any tips and hints you’ve found helpful.