I have it on good authority that this is actual, real squash:

It ‘s a White Lebanese.  Maybe the wedding tent is working.  Time will tell.  I’m hand-pollinating any female blossoms I see and I haven’t witnessed any squash pest attacks so far. Of course, that may not mean anything.  Sneaky cusses.

This is a cucumber called Shantung Suhyo Cross, a long, thin, Japanese variety:

Here’s the biggest tomato so far.  It’s called Marglobe. Not this particular tomato, the whole plant. Although it’s tempting to give them all names.  We could call this one Eve, because she was the first.  Eve is going to be delicious.

Are you growing anything new and exciting in your garden this year?

Edited to add:  Found a squash bug INSIDE the tent.  We are under attack! We are under attack!