Garden ShapeUp-Along Step 3: Carrot and Stick

Getting our gardens in shape is its own reward, but it never hurts to have a little extra incentive; a dangling carrot and/or a motivating stick. Now we’ve got a master list and a plan to carry it out, the next step is to pick out both a carrot (a reward for all...

Giveaway! Favorite Cookbook, EVER

Years ago, I read through all of Rachael Ray’s 365 something-or-other cookbook. I made a standard pantry list. I could cook almost anything in the book on the spur of the moment. My pantry was massive! And Rachael didn’t really help with breakfast or...

Garden ShapeUp Along: Step 2

We’re getting our gardens ready for spring, step by step. We declared our intention. Then we got out our paper and pencils and even cameras and made a master list and took Before pics of our most pressing garden problem spots. Taking photos is optional, but...

Garden ShapeUp-Along: Step 1

In case you missed the first post on this Garden CleanUp-Along, here’s the link to review. To re-cap, I’m going to post periodic garden tasks (sometimes weekly, sometimes more often) to help get our gardens ready for spring. If you’re like me,...

Spring Garden ShapeUp-Along

Does your garden look like something snaked out of the J-trap under your kitchen sink? Do you refer to it as “the wasteland”? Did a location scout for a post-apocalyptic movie just ask to film a scene in your backyard? If you answered yes to any of these...


I’m not a winter person, but I get more knitting done between the months of December and March than I do the rest of the year combined. The fireside and knitting go together very well, except when I knit so late I’m in peril of nodding off and falling into...